Blog Post

Folic Acid for Pregnant Mothers

  • By Jennifer McCollum
  • 01 Oct, 2016

Folate is a B-vitamin found in leafy greens that prevents neural tube defects in developing fetus’. Spina-bifida is a neural tube defect, meaning the brain, spine and nervous system did not develop correctly. Four hundred micrograms of folate is recommended to prevent neural tube defects.

In a recent article in JAMA Pediatrics (June 2016), a study of obese mother’s with low folate levels were predictive of obese children. To prevent obesity in children optimal folate levels should be maintained during pregnancy by taking plasma readings before & during pregnancy.

Recommendations from the study maintain that the serum plasma levels should be 22 nm/L. See your personal physician for further information and evaluation.

By Dr. Jennifer McCollum 19 Apr, 2019
It seems everyone is detoxing or at least thinking they might have to. With a lot of things going on in our world like pesticides, fungicides, insecticides and pollutants of heavy metals in food, air and water it is no wonder people feel like things should be cleaned up internally as well. Simple, gentle and safe detoxifying or cleansing can be done without putting our bodies into a position where we cannot handle the daily demands of our lives.

Detox or cleanse the mind first because it is what is causing the cascade of neurotransmitters and hormones to signal to the body weather it is safe or should be in flight or fight mode. To do this, meditate for 5 minutes at least every morning or whenever you can. Connect to your breath and if thoughts come up dismiss them and go back to watching the breath. This will cause a state of Peace.

Second, if you know the gut is upset and you ate the wrong stuff take 1-2 capsules of dietary charcoal with a glass of purified or spring water. Third every morning squeeze some organic lemon juice into an 8 ounce glass of water and drink 1/2 hour or at least 15 minutes before having anything else to break-fast. Please contact a Naturopath, Alternative medical doctor or Nutritionist for more information for your individual guidance.

By Jennifer McCollum 12 Nov, 2016

A recent report in Critical Health News by Ben Fuchs (Pharmacist) talked about CDD’s (chronic degenerative diseases) being related to gut health.

His teaching is what I have been saying for years: stop harmful foods, reduce trigger foods, move the lymph by rebounding (jumping on a miniature trampoline), walking, breathing deeply, drinking clean water & using Turmeric to reduce inflammation.

I’d like to comment in addition to his comments, that it is also imperative to note the importance of water to act as a solvent that breaks down larger molecules and helps us move blood and lymph, clean and plump cells, and remove waste out of the channels of elimination.

By Jennifer McCollum 12 Nov, 2016

Curcumin, the active ingredient in Turmeric, is good for infections, inflammation, metabolic and immune disorders, dental health (gingivitis), psoriasis, thalassemia (inherited blood disorder), PMS, exercise induced soreness, diabetes, anxiety and depression, and colitis.

It is my firm conviction that the plant has all the ingredients to buffer harsh chemicals and aid synergistic responses when used wholly instead of stripping constituents and using them in an isolated format. Using tumeric longa as a whole root is more beneficial than the isolated curcumin form.

By Jennifer McCollum 12 Nov, 2016
  • A Food Allergy is an immune response to a certain food that has built up Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies against that food. When this food enters the body it stimulates a reaction that results in the release of histamines. Symptoms can include rashes, itches, stomach pain and breathing difficulties. In sever cases it can be life threatening. An epi-pen (epinephrine injection pen) is prescribed to the individual to handle these life-threatening incidents.

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